职 称:研究员 |
学 历: 博士 |
邮 箱: yq.xie@siat.ac.cn |
研究领域:图像引导放射治疗、医学影像处理和分析、医学物理 |
手机:13620902469、18923712562 电话:0755-86392281 |
谢耀钦(Xie yaoqin)中科院深圳先进院医工所研究员、博士生导师、广东省“影像引导治疗技术”创新团队执行负责人、医疗机器人与微创手术器械研究中心副主任、深圳市海外高层次人才(B类)。承担中国和美国重点研发项目十余项,包括主持科技部数字诊疗重点研发专项课题1项、国家自然科学基金项目2项,广东省暨深圳市创新团队1项,获批经费超过5000万元。发表科研论文百余篇,专著章节3个,其中SCI收录论文60余篇,申请专利80余项。现为中国生物医学工程学会医学物理分会理事、中国生物物理学会分子影像学专业委员会委员、中国人工智能学会模式识别专业委员会委员、《Journal of Nanoneroscience》、《中国医学影像技术》、《CT理论与应用研究》、等杂志编委、美国医学物理师协会会员、Physics in Medicine and Biology、Medical Image Analysis、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering等杂志审稿人。
[1] 2019.1~2022.12:(61871374),国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万
[2] 2016.7~2020.12:(2016YFC0105102),1512万
[3] 2017.8~2020.7:(2017B020229002),300万
[4] 2017/07-2020/07:深圳市科技创新基础研究(学科布局),300万元,参加。
[5] 2017/07-2020/07:深圳市科技创新基础研究(学科布局),基20170057,200万元,参加。
[6] 2017.8~2020.8:广东省人才计划(2016TX03R139),80万
[7] 2016.7~2018.6:深圳市技术攻关项目(重20160059),300万
[8] 2016.8-2018.7:深圳虚拟现实科技有限公司,70万元
[9] 2015.1-2017.12:广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目 (Grant No. 2014A030312006)核心成员,300万
[10] 2014.6~2017.6:广东省产学研合作项目(2015B090901039),100万
[11] 2014.8-2016.8:深圳安健科技有限公司“中C型数字血管造影机”,100万元
[12] 2013.7.31~2015.7.31:深圳分子影像学重点实验室(SY38001)副主任,500万
[13] 2012.1~2014.12:国家科技支撑计划(2012BAI13B04),400万
[14] 2012.1~2016.12:主持影像引导治疗技术创新团队,广东省团队(2011S013)暨深圳市团队项目(KYPT20121228160843693),3600万
[15] 2012.1~2015.12:(81171402),58万,国家自然科学基金面上项目
[16] 国家地方联合高端医学影像工程实验室
[17] 广东省生物医疗装备科技创新平台
[18] 2010.1-2011.12:主持国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(30928030)
[19] 2011.4-2014.4:主持深圳市基础研究重点项目(JC201005270312A)
[20] 2011.6-2013.6:33万,广东省低成本健康创新团队子课题
[21] 2011.5~2013.12:16万,东莞市高等院校科研机构科技计划项目(2011108101001)
[22] 2010.1~2014.12: (2010CB732606), 科技部973计划
[23] 2009.3-2010.2:主持并完成北京大学医学物理和工程北京市重点实验室开放课题(2009P05)
[24] 2007.1-2008.12:主持并完成北京市自然科学基金(3073019)
[25] 2007.1-2009.12:总装备部武器装备探索研究重大项目主要负责人
[26] 2007.1-2009.12:国家自然科学基金项目(60672104)主要负责人
[27] 2006.8-2010.7:科技部973项目(2006CB705700)主要参加者
[28] 2006.5-2010.3:美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)基金“IMRT Dose Optimization”(5R01CA104205)主要完成人
[29] 2005.1-2006.7:北京大学医学物理和工程北京市重点实验室和深圳惠恒集团合作的“超伽III型机核物理及图像验证设计”中“60Co三维成像系统的设计”主要负责人
[30] 2003.1-2005.12:国家自然科学基金项目(10275003)主要参加者
[31] 2000.1-2002.12:国家自然科学基金重点项目(59937160)主要完成人
[32] 1999.1-2001.12:国家自然科学基金项目(59877009)主要完成人
[1] Li YF, Li W, Xiong J, Xia J, Xie YQ*, Comparison of Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Learning Methods for Medical Image Synthesis between Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Images, Biomed Research International, 2020, IF=2.276, Q3
[2] Wu SB, He P, Yu SD, Zhou SJ, Xia J, Xie YQ*, To Align Multimodal Lumbar Spine Images via Bending Energy Constrained Normalized Mutual Information, Biomed Research International, 2020, IF=2.276
[3] Li YH, Yan XQ, Wei J, Zhang GM, Chen Y, Xie YQ*, Dependence of Optimum Thickness of Ultrathin Diamond-ike Carbon Coatings over Carbon Nanotubes on Geometric Field Enhancement Factor, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2020
[4] Zhang ZC, Liang XL, Qin WJ, Yu SD, Xie YQ*, matFR: a MATLAB toolbox for feature ranking, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 19, 1 October 2020, Pages 4968–4969. IF=5.61, Q1
[5] Diao SH, Hou JX, Yu H, Zhao X, Sun YK, Lambo LR, Liu L, Luo WR, Qin WJ, Xie YQ*, Computer-Aided Pathological Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Based on Deep Learning, The American Journal of Pathology, 2020.
[6] Li W, Li YF, Qin WJ, Liang XK, Xu JY, Xiong J, Xie YQ*. MRI Synthesis based on Planning CT images using deep learning methods for MR-guided Radiotherapy, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2020. IF=3.226, Q2
[7] Liu YJ, He YN, Li RM, Yu SD, Xu JY, Xie YQ*, Coupled Temporal Fluctuation and Global Signal Synchronization of Spontaneous Brain Activity in Hypnosis for Respiration Control: An fMRI Study, Neuroscience, 2019. IF=3.244 Q2
[8] Liu YJ, Li MY, Chen HB, Wei XH*, Hu GH, Yu SD, Ruan XH, Zhou J, Pan XP, Li Z, Luo ZH, Xie YQ*, Alterations of Regional Homogeneity in Parkinson’s Disease Patients With Freezing of Gait: A Resting-State fMRI Study, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 11: 276, 2019. IF=3.633 Q2
[9] Li MY, Liu YJ*, Chen HB, Hu GH, Yu SD, Ruan XH, Luo ZH, Wei XH*, Xie YQ*, Altered global synchronizations in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a resting-state fMRI study, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 11: 139, 2019. IF=3.633 Q2
[10] Liang XK, Li N, Zhang ZC, Yu SD, Qin WJ, Li YF, Chen SP, Zhang HL*, Xie YQ*, Shading Correction for Volumetric CT using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Adaptive Filter, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 9(7): 1242-1254, 2019 IF=3.074 Q2
[11] Liang XK, Jiang YK, Wang YN, Zhang ZC, Luo C, Xiong J, Yu SD, Yang XM, Sun JH, Zhou QX, Niu TY*, Xie YQ*, Scatter correction for a clinical cone-beam CT system using an optimized stationary beam blocker in a single scan, Medical Physics 46(7): 3165-3179, 2019 IF=3.177 Q2
[12] Liang XK, Jiang YK, Xie YQ, Niu TY, Quantitative Cone-Beam CT Imaging in Radiotherapy: Parallel Computation and Comprehensive Evaluation on the TrueBeam System, IEEE Access 7, accepted. IF=4.098 Q1
[13] Xia YF, Xie YQ*, A Novel Wearable Electrocardiogram Classification System Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Active Learning, IEEE Access 7: 7989 – 8001, 2019 IF=4.098 Q1
[14] Zou L, Yu SD, Meng TB, Zhang ZC, Liang XK, Xie YQ*, A Technical Review of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Mammographic Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2019, 6509357
[15] Zou L, Chen X, Xu C, Xing L, Xie YQ*, Design and Preliminary Experience of a Tele-Radiotherapy System for a Medical Alliance in China, Telemedicine and e-Health, Ahead of Print
[16] Yu S, Liu L, Wang Z, Dai G, Xie YQ*, Transferring deep neural networks for the differentiation of mammographic breast lesions, Science China – Technological Sciences 62(3): 441-447, 2019
[17] Chen K, Wang C, Xie YQ*, Zhou SJ, A GPU based Automatic Approach For Guide Wire Tracking in Fluoroscopic Sequences, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,published 24 December 2018
[18] Huang P, Yu G, Kapp DS, Bian XF, Ma CS, Li HS, Chen JH, Liang YQ, Zhang Y, Qin SH, Xie YQ, Yang Y, Yin Y, Xing L, Li DW. Cumulative dose of radiation therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma patients and its deterministic relation to radiation-induced liver disease. Med Dosim 43(3):258-266. 2018.
[19] Wang R, Liang XK, Zhu XY, Xie YQ*, A feasibility of respiration prediction based on Deep Bi-LSTM for real-time tumor tracking, IEEE Access 6: 51262-51268, 2018
[20] Chen K, Wang C, Xiong J, Xie YQ*, GPU based parallel acceleration for fast Carm cone-beam CT reconstruction, BioMedical Engineering Online 17: 73, 2018
[21] Liu YJ, Qin WJ, Li RM, Yu SD, He YN, Xie YQ*, Investigation on the neural mechanism of hypnosis-based respiratory control using functional MRI, Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 8182542, 2018.
[22] Yu SD, Dai GZ, Wang ZY, Li LD, Wei XH, Xie YQ*, A consistency evaluation of signal-to-noise ratio in the quality assessment of human brain magnetic resonance images, BMC Medical Imaging 18: 17, 2018.
[23] Zhang ZC, Liang XK, Dong X, Xie YQ*, Cao GH*, A sparse-view CT reconstruction method based on combination of DenseNet and deconvolution, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(6): 1407-1417, 2018, IF = 7.82, Q1
[24] Zhang ZC, Dai GZ, Liang XK, Yu SD, Li LD, Xie YQ*, Can signal-to-noise ratio perform as a baseline indicator for medical image quality assessment, IEEE Access 6: 11534-11543, 2018. IF = 3.56, Q1
[25] Li S, Zhu YC, Xie YQ, Gao S*, Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging method based on golden-ratio cartesian sampling and compressed sensing, Plos One, 13(1): e0191569, 2018. IF = 2.806, Q1
[26] Zhao S, Gao ZF, Zhang HY*, Xie YQ*,Jianwen Luo, Dhanjoo Ghista, Zhanghong Wei, Xiaojun Bi, Huahua Xiong, Chenchu Xu, and Shuo Li, Robust Segmentation of Intima-Media Borders with Different Morphologies and Dynamics During the Cardiac Cycle, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 22(5): 1571-1582, 2018. IF = 4.217, Q1
[27] Zhu YC, Chang E, Ma YJ, Zhang HY, Xie YQ, Du J*,Rotator Cuff Tendon Assessment Using Magic-Angle Insensitive 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Cones Magnetization Transfer (UTE-Cones-MT) Imaging and Modeling with Histological Correlation, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 48(1): 160-168, 2018. IF = 3.08, Q1
[28] Liang XK, Zhang ZC, Niu TY, Yu SD, Wu SB, Li ZC, Zhang HL*, Xie YQ*, Iterative image-domain ring artifact removal in cone-beam CT, Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(13): 5276-5292, 2017. IF = 2.665, Q1
[29] Yu SD, Wu SB, Wang L, Jiang F, Li LD*, Xie YQ*, A shallow convolutional neural network for blind image sharpness assessment, PLOS ONE, 12(5):e0176632. IF = 2.766, Q1
[30] Yu SD, Wu SB, Zhuang L, Wei XH, Sak M, Neb D, Hu JN*, and Xie YQ*,Efficient Segmentation of a Breast in B-Mode Ultrasound Tomography Using Three-Dimensional GrabCut (GC3D),SENSORS,2017, 17, 1827.IF = 2.475, Q1
[31] Wu SB, Yu SD, Zhuang L, Wei XH, Sak M, Neb D, Hu JN*, and Xie YQ*,Automatic Segmentation of Ultrasound Tomography Image,BioMed Research International 2017: 2059036, 2017
[32] Zhang GL, Liu F, Liu J, Luo JW, Xie YQ, Bai J, Xing L. Cone Beam X-ray Luminescence Computed Tomography Based on Bayesian Method. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36(1):225~235, 2017.
[33] Zhu, Yanchun ,Spincemaille, Pascal,Liu, Jing,Li, Shuo,Nguyen, Thanh D.,Prince, Martin R.,Xie, Yaoqin (*),Wang, Yi (*),Nonlinear profile order for three-dimensional hybrid radial acquisition applied to self-gated free-breathing cardiac cine MRI,Chinese Physics B,2017.01.01,26(1)
[34] Zhang, Zhicheng ,Yu, Shaode,Liang, Xiaokun,Zhu, Yanchun,Xie, Yaoqin(*), A novel design of ultrafast micro-CT system based on carbon nanotube: A feasibility study in phantom,European Journal of Medical Physics,2016.10.01,32(10):1302~1307
[35] Zhao W, Niu TY, Xing L, Xie YQ, Xiong GL, Elmore K, Zhu J, Wang L, Min JK. Using edge-preserving algorithm with non-local mean for significantly improved image-domain material decomposition in dual-energy CT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(3): 1332-1351, 2016.
[36] Li, Shuo ,Wang, Lei,Zhu, Yan-Chun ,Yang, Jie, Xie, Yao-Qin ,Fu, Nan,Wang, Yi,Gao, Song,Accuracy and effectiveness of self-gating signals in free-breathing three-dimensional cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging,Chinese Physics B,2016.12.01,25(12)
[37] Yu, Shaode ,Wu, Shibin,Zhang, Zhicheng,Chen, Yili, Xie, Yaoqin(*) Explicit vascular reconstruction based on adjacent vector projection,Bioengineered,2016.01.01,7(5):365~371
[38] Yu Shao-De ,Wu Shi-Bin,Wang Hao-Yu,Wei Xin-Hua,Chen Xin,Pan Wan-Long,Hu Jiani,Xie Yao-Qin(*), Linear-fitting-based similarity coefficientmap for tissue dissimilarity analysis in T-2*-w magnetic resonance imaging,Chinese Physics B, 24(12): 128711, 2015
[39] Zhu, Yanchun ,Liu, Jing,Weinsaft, Jonathan,Spincemaille, Pascal,Nguyen, Thanh D,Prince, Martin R,Bao, Shanglian,Xie, Yaoqin(*),Wang, Yi(*), Free-Breathing 3D Imaging of Right Ventricular Structure and Function Using Respiratory and Cardiac Self-Gated Cine MRI.,BioMed research international,2015.01.01,2015:819102~819102
[40] Wei, Xin-Hua ,Ren, Ji-Liang,Liu, Wen-Hua,Yang, Rui-Meng,Xu,(#)Xiang-Dong,Liu, Jun,Guo, Yong-Mei,Yu, Shao-De,Lai, Li-Sha,Xie, Yao-Qin,Jiang, Xin-Qing ,(*) Increased interhemispheric functional connectivity in college students with non-clinical depressive symptoms in resting state,Neuroscience Letters,2015.3.4,589:67~72
[41] Zhou W, Zhang LJ, Xie YQ, Liang CH, A Novel Technique for Prealignment in Multimodality Medical Image Registration, Biomed Research International, 2014: 726852, 2014.
[42] Li ZC, Li K, Zhan HL, Chen K, Chen MM, Xie YQ, Wang L, Augmenting interventional ultrasound using statistical shape model for guiding percutaneous nephrolithotomy: Initial evaluation in pigs Neurocomputing, 144: 58-69, 2014.
[43] Zhu QS, Wen TX, Xie YQ, Gu J, Wang L, Contour-Based Image Registration using Bipartite Graph Matching with Munkres Algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, 8(1): 263-271, 2014.
[44] Zhang HL, Zhao GR, Djajaputra D, Xie YQ*, Determination of Acquisition Frequency for Intrafractional Motion of Pancreas in CyberKnife Radiotherapy. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 1-8, 2014.
[45] Wang Haoyu, Hu Jiani, Xie Yaoqin, Chen Jie, Yu Amy, Wei Xinhua, Dai Yongming, Li Meng, Bao Shanglian*, E M. Haacke, Feasibility of Similarity Coefficient Map for Improving Morphological Evaluation of T2* Weighted MRI for Renal Cancer, Chinese Physics B, 2013,22(3):038702~1-038702~11.
[46] Zhou SJ, Chen WF, Jia FC, Hu QM, Xie YQ, Chen MY, Wu JH, Segmentation of brain magnetic resonance angiography images based on MAP-MRF with multi-pattern neighborhood system and approximation of regularization coefficient, Medical Image Analysis, 17(8): 1220-1235, 2013.
[47] Yang YH, Zhou SJ, Shang P, Qi E, Wu SB, Xie YQ*, Contour Propagation Using Feature-based Deformable Registration for Lung Cancer, BioMed Research International 701514, 2013.
[48] Zhou W, Xie YQ, Interactive Multigrid refinement for deformable image registration, BioMed Research International, 2013.
[49] Yu SD, Zhang R, Wu SB, Hu JN, Xie YQ, An edge-directed interpolation method for fetal spine MR images, BioMedical Engineering Online, 12:102, 2013
[50] Zhou W, Xie YQ, Interactive contour delineation and refinement in treatment planning of image guided radiation therapy, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 15(1), 2014, 141-166.
[51] Zhang R, Zhou W, Li YJ, Yu SD, Xie YQ, Nonrigid registration of lung CT images based on tissue features, Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2013: 834192, 2013.
[52] An M, Xie YQ, A Novel CT Imaging System with Adjacent Double X-Ray Sources, Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013: 391212, 2013.
[53] Zhou W, Xie YQ, Interactive medical image segmentation using snake and multiscale curve editing, Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013: 325903, 2013.
[54] Wu SB, Yu SD, Yang YH, Xie YQ, Feature and contrast enhancement of mammographic image based on multiscale analysis and morphology, Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013: 716948, 2013.
[55] Li RM, Deng J, Xie YQ*, Control of Respiratory Motion by Hypnosis Intervention during Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer I, BioMed Research International, 2013.
[56] Zhu QS, Li Q, Xie YQ*, Wang L*, Perfect Snapping: An Accurate and Efficient Interactive Image segmentation Algorithm, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 7(4):1387-1393, 2013.
[57] Luo Q, Qin WJ, Wen TX, Gu J, Gaio N, Chen SF, Xie YQ, Segmentation of abdomen MR images using kernel graph cuts with shape priors, Biomedical engineering online 12 (1): 124, 2013.
[58] Zhu QS, Ye RC, Xie YQ*, Wang L*, Contour-Based Image Registration Using Bipartite Graph Matching With Munkres Algorithm, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 8(1): 263-271, 2013.
[59] Zhu QS, Zhang ZP, Song Z, Xie YQ, Wang L*, A Novel Nonlinear Regression Approach for Efficient and Accurate Image Matting, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(11): 1078-1081, 2013.
[60] Wen TX, Zhu QS, Qin WJ, Li L, Yang F, Xie YQ, Gu J, An Accurate and Effective FMM-based Approach for Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 8(6): 645-656, 2013.
[61] Xie YQ, Xing L, Gu J, Liu W, Tissue feature-based intra-fractional motion tracking for stereoscopic x-ray image guided radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol, 58 (11): 3615-3630, 2013.