职 称:副研究员 |
学 历:博士 |
邮箱:hf.xu@siat.ac.cn |
研究领域:3D纳米光刻、微纳机器人、微纳传感 |
徐海峰,副研究员,深圳市孔雀海外高层次人才。2008-2014年于北京大学先后获得学士、硕士学位。2019年于德国莱布尼茨集成纳米科学研究所获最优等博士学位(summa cum laude),荣获莱布尼茨 Tschirnhaus奖章并被留聘为助理研究员从事博士后研究。研究方向为:微纳机器人、微机电系统、3D纳米光刻。徐海峰为载药精子机器人的发明人,以第一作者身份发表中科院一区top顶刊论文4篇(Acs nano, Angewandte chemie等),通讯作者身份1篇,影响因子超50。其中ESI top 1%高引2篇,包括ACS年度推荐文章1篇。徐海峰研究被Science、Mit technology review、每日邮报等60余家国际媒体报道(acs.altmetric.com/details/30493436/news)(详情可搜索“抗癌精子机器人”)。发表sci论文总数10篇,总影响因子超100,总引用超500次。研究介绍:https://www.x-mol.com/groups/haifeng_xu.
(1) Xu Haifeng, Medina-Sánchez M.*, Magdanz V., Schwarz L., Hebenstreit F., Schmidt O. G. Sperm-Hybrid Micromotor for Targeted Drug Delivery. ACS Nano, 2018 12 (1). (IF = 14.6) ESI 1% highly cited (114 times); ACS Editor’s Choice (557 Altmetric)
新闻报道: Science, MIT Technology Review, Dailymail, NBCnews, Wired Magzine, New Scientist, The Scientist, LiveScience, Phys.org, ACS Publications (Top news), 3Dprint, and others (>60 international news 以及新浪、网易、知识分子等多家媒体的科技专栏)
(2) Xu Haifeng*, Medina-Sánchez M.*, Maitz M.F., Werner C., Schmidt O.G. Sperm Micromotors for Cargo Delivery through Flowing Blood. ACS Nano, 2020 14 (3). (IF = 15.8)
(3) Xu Haifeng, Medina-Sánchez M.*, Schmidt O.G. Magnetic Micromotors for Multiple Motile Sperm Cells Capture, Transport, and Enzymatic Release. Angewandte Chemie, 2020. (IF = 15.2)
(4) Xu Haifeng, Medina-Sánchez M.*, Brison D.R., Edmondson R. J., Taylor S.S., et al. Human Spermbots for Cancer-Relevant Drug Delivery. Nanoscale 12 (39). (IF = 6.9)
(5) Medina-Sanchez M.*, Xu Haifeng, Schmidt O.G., Micro- and Nano-motors: the New Generation of Drug Carriers. Therapeutic delivery, 2018 9 (4).
(6) Magdanz V.*, Medina-Sanchez M.*, Schwarz L., Xu Haifeng, Elgeti J., Schmidt O.G. Spermatozoa as Functional Components of Robotic Microswimmers. Advanced Materials, 2017 29.
(7) Medina-Sánchez M.*, Magdanz V., Schwarz L., Xu Haifeng, Schmidt O.G. Spermbots: Concept and Applications. Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, 2017.
(8) Magdanz V.*, Khalil I.S.M.*, Simmchen J., Furtado G.P., Mohanty S., Gebauer J., Xu Haifeng et al. IRONSperm: Sperm-Templated Soft Magnetic Microrobots. Science advances 6 (28), 2020. (14.1)
(9) Luo Qi, Wang Yihui, Yang Hongge, Liu Chang, Ding Yuan, Xu Haifeng, Wang Qi, Liu Yingchun*, Xie Ying*. Modeling the Interaction of Interferon α-1b to Bovine Serum Albumin as a Drug Delivery System. J Phys Chem B,2014 118(29).
(10) Ding Yuan, Sun Dan, Wang Guiling, Yang Hongge, Xu Haifeng, Chen Jianhua*, Xieying*, Wang Zhiqiang. An efficient PEGylated liposomal nanocarrier containing cell penetrating peptide and pH-sensitive hydrazone bond for enhancing tumor-targeted drug delivery. Int J Nanomedicine, 2015 10