2018-04-20 20:23:07
近日,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院微创中心谢耀钦研究员及其团队在基于深度学习的稀疏CT投影数据重建方面取得重要进展,相关成果A Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Method Based on Combination of DenseNet and Deconvolution被国际医学影像顶级期刊IEEE Transaction On Medical Imaging(IF=3.94)接收,论文DIO:10.1109/TMI.2018.2823338。该论文提出了一种基于深度学习的新型的稀疏CT重建模型DD-Net,对于快速低剂量CT成像的应用研究具有重要意义。论文的第一作者是博士研究生张志诚,通信作者是谢耀钦研究员。该项研究获得国家重点研发计划数字诊疗专项的资助。
Figure1 . The corresponding network architecture of the DD-Net.
Figure 2. Reconstruction results from the chest CT dataset. (A) Original image, (B) FBP, (C) PWLS-TGV, (D) R-NLTV, (E) DD-Net. Display window was set at [0, 0. 029] mm-1 .
Figure 3. The zoomed regions marked by the red box in Figure 5 (A). (A) Original image, (B) FBP, (C) PWLS-TGV, (D) R-NLTV, (E) DD-Net. The red arrows show the locations of the small features, and the blue arrow indicates the gap in the bone. Display window was set at [0.00164, 0. 0287]mm-1
供稿:微创中心 刘秋华